
Engines of Inmond; Origins – Episode 4: Pannier Predicament

After weeks of behind the scenes work, planning and much more, Episode four is here at last.

But before anything else, I would like to thank “Charlottie Page”; I’ve known her since we started Primary and she has supported me throughout this journey called life, and if it wasn’t for her this episode wouldn’t have been out until months later, which isn’t ideal on my behalf.

Now I’m sure she’ll say that she’s done nothing, but she’s helped a lot more than she thinks Now the most I can say is that episodes Five and Six shall be getting released between now and February, but I’ll let you all hold me to that. But my overall goal is to make sure that Episode 15 is out at the right time and have the next couple of episodes ready by this time next year so this ought to be fun then

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